Vancouver, 1255 Comox Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 1K6 - Phone: (604) 282-6630


(604) 282-6630

Your Carpet Experts

Answering Common Carpet Stretching FAQs

Answering Common Carpet Stretching FAQs

Carpet buckling or wrinkling often happen for many reasons, including normal wear and tear and improper installation. It’s important to address this problem early because it can lead to fall accidents. We know there are some common questions that come up when people...
All About Grouting

All About Grouting

From the floors in your kitchen and bathrooms to the tiles in your shower, there’s an awful lot of grouting work that needs to be done on a regular basis. But how do you know whether to clean or regrout? Find out below! Why is grout important? Grout serves...
Common Problems with Hardwood Flooring

Common Problems with Hardwood Flooring

Hardwood floors are a popular choice for homeowners because they are durable, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to maintain. However, some common problems can occur with this type of flooring.  Deterioration Wood floors have a protective finish that helps them...
Grout Cleaning Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

Grout Cleaning Tips Every Homeowner Should Know

We all want a pristine home, but sometimes the cleaning process can feel daunting. Here are some grout cleaning tips that you must do every once in a while to make sure your tiles are in the best condition. Use commercial products One of the best grout cleaners on the...
Types of Marble Tiles

Types of Marble Tiles

Marble is a beautiful and durable stone that has been used for centuries. It’s often seen in kitchens, bathrooms, and other high-traffic areas because of its durability. In this article, we will discuss the different varieties most homeowners choose for their...