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4 Simple Ways to Keep Floors Clean This Winter
Your best defense against winter causing problem for your floors is to prevent problems before they happen. This post summarizes 4 simple ways on how to keep it clean during the winter. Put Doormats Inside Some moisture is bound to get in. Keeping another...
4 Tips on How To Deal With Pet Hair and Carpet
Are you struggling with pet hairs at home? Below are 4 tips to learn about the most effective ways to deal with pet hair. Brush Before Vacuuming Start by giving the carpet a light misting (water with a few drops of fabric softener ups the static to attract hair), then...
5 Signs It Might Be Time To Replace Your Carpet
We eventually need to change them, as carpet is not made to last a lifetime. Below are 5 common signs that we might need to replace our carpet. Stains Are you covering up carpet stains with furniture and rugs when carpet cleaning fails to remove them? If your...
3 Simple Steps To Make Carpet Last Longer
Are you looking for tips on how to make your carpet last longer? This short article will assist you with 3 simple steps. Take Off Your Shoes Most of the time, the answer is yes, especially for homeowners with children. Removing your shoes before walking on your...
3 Advantages of Hiring Professional Carpet Cleaners
Searching for advice on hiring professional carpet cleaners? Below are 3 advantages of hiring professional carpet cleaners. Easy ...
3 Tips on Buying Carpets
Buying new carpet can be quite confusing and it takes a lot of time and energy to choose the right carpet that can meet all your needs. Luckily, we’ll share few tips on buying carpet. Below are 3 tips on buying carpet: Set the Expectation Before you shop for new...