Vancouver, 1255 Comox Street, Vancouver, BC V6E 1K6 - Phone: (604) 282-6630


(604) 282-6630

Your Carpet Experts

Wa-Professional Berber Carpet Repair

Professional Berber Carpet Repair

Is your Berber Carpet damaged? Don’t replace it, we can fix it!

Making your house a home is quite an investment, and your Berber carpet is part of that. You wanted your house to have the ideal floor padding and Berber carpeting did that for you. That’s why if you find your carpet damaged, simply get our carpet repair team take care of it right away.

Your house may be covered in nylon Berber, olefin Berber, polyester Berber or wool Berber but regardless of the type of Berber carpet, the damages tend to be the same;

  • Snags in your carpet
  • Dents in the carpet most likely from furniture
  • Burns in the carpet from heat lamps, cigarettes, pet warming lamps etc.
  • Carpet stains from food, drinks to pet urine

The good news is repairing your Berber carpet in isn’t hard at all and most importantly you save on a lot of money than having to re-carpet your home.

Berber Carpet Repar

What do I do?

Simply let Curlys carpet repair help you out of this little Berber jam. Equipped with the right tools and expertise, give your carpet a Bellingham Berber carpet repair treatment that is fast, easy and hassle-free. We will;

  • Assess the damage to your Berber carpet
  • Identify if the carpet needs re-stretching, padding or patching, depending on the carpet damage
  • Cut and patch up any carpet sections that need it. If you have any leftover Berber carpet from the original carpet installation that will definitely ease the process
  • Trim and contain snags to stop them from unravelling the entire carpet
  • Get rid of the carpet stain and odour

Curlys carpet repair experts will also advice you on the best way to maintain your Berber carpet and easy, quick fix carpet remedies you can use.

Why should I do it?

Your Berber carpet will become instantly rejuvenated and brighten up the room while

  • saving your carpet from further, more extensive damage such as in the cases of snags that keep unravelling
  • saving yourself from having to buy a new Berber carpet in Bellingham and the carpet installation costs that come with it
  • returning or maintaining your Berber carpet to its original state of beauty