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Are you looking to revamp your living space? Do you want a timeless look that embodies classic elegance but won’t go out of style anytime soon? Re-designing the interior of your house can be an arduous task, given all the elements involved. The good news is you don’t need to break the bank with the following tips:

How to Design a Timeless Home Interior

Think about symmetry

When creating a classic look one of the main things to consider is symmetry. The human eye is drawn to symmetry and balance which means that no matter what happens with decorating styles, symmetrical rooms will always be pleasant to look at. In order to achieve symmetry, you’ll want to double up on items so that you can create matching halves that make up a whole room. That said, not everything has to be a pair. For instance, you’ll still want a single focal point, but you’ll want to accessorize that focal point with pairs. So on a mantle, for instance, place matching vases, lamps or whatever else you’d like to use on either side and then place a single item in the middle. Or you may still only want a single sofa, but you’ll want to place matching chairs in front (or on either side). The idea is to more or less create a mirror image on each side of the room, or at least balance what’s on one side with what’s on the other. Symmetrical rooms naturally create a sense of balance, so let your eye dictate where things should go. Source: TheSpruce

Keep it simple

Timeless design is functional and sensible. It is a style that suggests a quiet confidence. It’s not over the top nor is it boring. Timeless design is perfectly scaled and proportioned.  When creating this functional space you will see that your furniture should fit in a room perfectly. It should belong to a room and be neither too large as to overpower, or too small as to seem unimportant. To create a room that is timeless steer away from oversized, over pouffy couches as well as those which appear to be overly streamlined. Timeless design, much like classic design, also steers away from overly decorated and overly busy patterns, shapes and spaces. Here, less is often more. There is much talk, in design, about the color of the year. Be careful when incorporating a Color of the Year into your home. Many of these, while fun and energizing, will not stand the test of time. It may be best to incorporate this color with accent pieces and accessories. Many designers suggest investing in solid antique pieces to give your space a sense of history that can forever be expanded onto.  Antique furniture, even though reflective of the past, becomes timeless when incorporated with other styles and furnishings. Source: MyMove

Take the technology out of the picture

Shift the main focus of a room away from any high-tech items that could feel dated within a short time. Technology can still be present, just don’t display any pieces as focal points. Source: Decorilla

If you’re also thinking about giving your flooring a much-needed update, don’t hesitate to give us a call. We can help you find the perfect look that will fit your budget and lifestyle!