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(604) 282-6630

Your Carpet Experts

A carpet is a decorating item that can be used in almost any part of the house. This is because of how it can improve the overall look of a room, especially when done right.

Common Mistakes During Carpet Installation

If you want to have a carpet installed in your home, be sure to do it the right way to ensure that you’ll be getting the results that you want.  To ensure that your carpet installation goes smoothly, here are some common mistakes you should be mindful of:

  1. Do not have proper tools

When you install a new carpet in your house, you should have proper tools. There are many homeowners who want to install new carpet without using the right installation tools. They may damage their house quickly when they do not use the right tools for installing their favorite carpet. You need to find the best installation tools, such as tack strip, nails, power stretcher, seam tape, putty knife, carpet glue, carpet trimmers, hammer, and many other items. These tools can be purchased from the local store easily. You should prepare all items before installing new carpet inside your house.

  1. Do not check the layout

Many people do not measure their house layout before installing new carpet in their room. This is another common mistake that a lot of homeowners do when they install their own carpet. You can end up with choosing the wrong carpet for some rooms inside your house. As the result, you may spend a lot of money when you install new carpet without checking the layout of your house. Source: Mr Carpet

  1. Failing to allow new carpeting to get acclimated to a home

Before you install new carpeting in a home, it’s a good idea to allow it to get acclimated to the climate of the home first. Specifically, you should let the carpeting warm up so that it isn’t cool and stiff when it’s installed. This will make it much easier to stretch out the carpet so that lumps don’t develop in it over time. Those lumps can cause your carpeting to wear out quickly and can also make it appear old and unsightly. Source: Carpet Closeouts

  1. Not comparing the available carpets

Office owners make mistakes when they decide to install new carpet in their office without first comparing the available products within the market. This mistake happens especially to those without much time to install a new carpet. To avoid choosing your carpet carelessly, it is important to create time and move to the market where you will compare the available carpets. Consult your friends and let them help you in choosing the right carpet for your office. Additionally, compare the carpet based on the material quality and not the price. 

  1. Ignoring the office interior design

Some individuals usually choose their carpet without keeping in mind the interior design of their office. The interior design of your office will help you to choose the right carpet color that will conform to the overall office decoration. For this reason, it is important to consult professional interior designers to help you choose an office carpet that has similar style and design with your office interior design. Source: Singapore Carpet

If you’re looking for a professional, then just give us a call and we’ll be there to do the job for you!