Carpets are good to have around the house since their various styles and designs can complement any type of interior. They can also make the room look fuller and artistic since it adds a lot of character to that area.

However, there will come a time that the carpets you installed become too old and worn out that you start welcoming the idea of having it replaced with a new one. Well, if that’s what you have in mind then that’s great! But you must keep in mind that not all old things have to be thrown out into the garbage immediately. 

In the case of carpets, there are ways to repurpose your old ones into something useful. Not only will you be bringing out your creativity, but it may even save you some money in the process. If you need help on ways to repurpose your old carpets, then here is a guide for you:

Ways To Repurpose Your Old Carpets

Use old carpets as floor mats for your car – The good news is that you no longer need to buy those expensive floor mats for your vehicle. What you can do instead is cut up your old carpet into the shape and size of mats and simply place them in your car. Not only will you end up saving money, but these mats will be much softer and better looking than the regular car floor mats. Moreover, you could even make rectangular foot mats and place them in your home. Source: Big Red

Keep your canine cosy with carpet – We’ve talked about how you can use your old carpet to keep your feline friend happy so it’s time for a tip for dogs. You can use your old carpet to line your dog’s kennel so not only will your pup be kept cosy and warm even on chilly days, but they’ll also be able to enjoy a lovely, soft surface on which to take a nap. Source: Carpets and Beds

Anti-freeze windscreen cover – Cut a piece to fit the size of your car windscreen and place over the screen overnight in the winter to stop your windscreen freezing over.

This can save you no end of time in the morning when you’re rushing to get ready for work, as you won’t have to put time aside to defrost the car! Source: Brent Carpet Company Ltd

Repurposed carpet to quiet laundry appliances – Dreading laundry is bad enough on its own without worries of your washer sounding like an old clunker all throughout the house.

If your washing machine or dryer tend to make bumps when you use them, you can use carpet strips to quiet them down.

Just cut out squares from your old carpet and place them under the legs of your appliances. This is a wonderful way to turn down the noise and give yourself a bit more peace and quiet. Source: DIY n Crafts

Hopefully, these ideas will get you started on how to repurpose your old carpets. And if you need more help on this or want to get in touch with carpet professionals, you can setup an appointment with us today!