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The most common damage that can happen to a floor tile is breaking and cracking. But who would have thought that it’s also possible for water to do such damage?

Water damage to floor tiles rarely happens but once it does, people won’t take notice of it right away. In fact, some would only notice the damage when it’s already too late and it might have affected a wide portion of your floor tiles. This can become a headache – especially when you need to replace your entire flooring just because you weren’t able to spot the signs early on.  

If this hasn’t happened to you yet, it’s best to inspect your floor tiles from time-to-time to ensure that you can prevent the problem from even progressing. These are the signs for you to know that your flooring has incurred some water damage.

Signs of Water Damage in Your Floor Tiles

Loose Tiles

One of the most common signs of water damage is loose tiles. Water can weaken the adhesive, causing tiles to lift over time.


Mold loves dark, damp environments, like the underside of your tiles. Once water gets underneath them, mold can start to grow in as little as 24 to 48 hours. If you spot green or black spots around the grout line or notice a new musty smell, it’s time to bring in a mold removal specialist. 


Once the water has penetrated the subflooring, you may notice broken or uneven tiles. This is due to the subfloor warping and shifting the tiles, causing them to move or crack. Source: CTR

Puddles of Water in the Corner of the Room

If there are puddles in the corners of your bathroom, it could be a pointer of water damage. The reason these puddles form is because the water from the leaky pipe gets absorbed into the grout. When the water evaporates, it leaves behind the grout. So the grout gets saturated with the water and puddles up.

Floor & Walls Feels Sticky

If your bathroom flooring or wall feels sticky, it’s an intimation of a leak. The reason the floor feels sticky is that the water has seeped into the grout. And the water and grout have bonded together. So when you walk on the floor, the grout sticks to your shoes. Source: Medium

Hollow Sound

Water-damaged tiles may make a hollow sound if there’s a leak. Try tapping your tiles with a coin or other object if you suspect a leak.


If you see any type of staining or discoloration on your tiles, it may be a sign of a leak. If you are able to rule out any other possible reasons for the staining such as regular wear and tear, you could have water-damaged tiles. Source: 1-Tom-Plumber

Make sure to take these signs into consideration so that you won’t be paying a hefty price for the repairs. If you need more help with this, don’t hesitate to give us a call!