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If you’ve ever lived in a home with carpet, then you know the sinking feeling you get when you hear that first squeak coming from the floor. It’s usually followed by a sense of dread, as you know that means it’s only going to get worse. But don’t worry, there are ways to fix squeaky flooring without replacing the entire floor! This blog post will show you how to identify where the noise is coming from and how to fix it.

How to Fix Squeaky Flooring Under the Carpet

Identify the Squeaky Areas 

Slowly walk over the flooring until you locate the areas where the squeaking sounds occur. If possible, have someone help you to make the job easier.

Mark the Problem Spots

Tear off strips of the masking tape. Use the strips of tape to mark off the squeaky floor areas you have found. Source: DoItYourself

Locate the Joist Using a Stud Finder

If removing wall-to-wall carpet is too much for you to tackle, there’s another method that may allow yo to fix the squeaks from above, without removing the carpet.  Using a stud finder, locate the floor joist beneath the carpet in the area of the squeak. Joists usually run perpendicular to the front and rear walls of a home so check that direction first. Source: MoneyPit

Or Use a Joist-Finding Tool

Insert a joist-finding bit into a drill/driver. This type of bit doesn’t have cutting edges like a normal drill bit, but instead has threads like a screw that extends about 3/4 inch from the tip of the bit. This type of bit doesn’t drill, but drives into the wood like a screw. If you miss the joist, the bit spins freely; however, when you hit the joist the bit will dig in, telling you its exact location.

Drive down nails using a hammer

Place a 2-1/2-inch finish nail on the mark. Drive it down tight with a hammer. When it sinks below the carpet, keep hammering it. Rub your fingers down on the carpet if you’re not sure how far the nail has penetrated. If you can’t feel it, it’s OK.

Test for creaks by walking around on the spot where it was creaking. If it still creaks, place another nail 3 inches from the first. If you need to identify which direction the joists are running under the floor, tap on the floor. The solid thud will indicate which direction the joist are running. Place the nail accordingly.

Measure to the next joist if the creaking persists. Measure 16 inches across the floor according to how the joists run, from the first nail. Use the joist-finding bit to make sure you are over a joist and then drive nails into this joist until the creaking stops. Source: HomeGuides.SFGate

Need help in tackling squeaky flooring at home? Call us and get a free estimate!