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Your Carpet Experts

Many households are experiencing dirty carpets during summer. To preserve the longevity of your carpet, it is recommended that you establish a cleaning routine to make it look new, reset its condition, and protect it from any damage. 

It’s time to understand some basic maintenance tips for your carpet during this summer. You can be sure that any of those minor damage will be handled before it gets any worse. Here are some tips to get you started on this task.

Carpet Care Tips for Summer

  1. Clean stains and odors immediately

Potty accidents are quite common with home pets, and often, they may pee on the rug. It goes without saying, but as soon as your pet stains the carpet, clean the stain immediately. If you don’t remove pet urine immediately, you will struggle to get rid of the bad odor from your carpet, and it may end up damaging it.

Wine, fruit juices, or other drinks may also permanently stain the carpet. Whenever you notice a stain, always clean it thoroughly to avoid losing the quality of the carpet. A pro tip: do not rub your carpet roughly. It may change the course of the fibers and look a bit dull from rubbing. Try to be as gentle as possible. Source: Steamy Concepts

  1. Keep shoes outside

Next up on summer cleaning tips, kick off your shoes! When it’s time to go inside, make sure any dirt, grass and bacteria stay out by creating a “No Shoes in the House” rule. Ask family members and guests to remove their shoes in your foyer or when they come inside. Make this rule fun for kids by providing colorful socks or slippers to wear while they’re indoors and a cubby station to store their shoes.

  1. Place welcome mats at exterior doors

Hosting an outside gathering is a great way to keep your carpets clean — but your guests will need to use your bathroom eventually! Put a sturdy, coarse mat inside and outside each exterior door. These mats allow guests to clean their shoes when they enter, reducing the amount of grime and moisture tracked on the carpet. Source: Citrus Fresh Carpet Cleaning, Inc

  1. Treat stains immediately

If a spill or stain gets up on your carpet, clean it thoroughly as soon as possible. Spills are more challenging to clean up the longer they remain uncleaned. Generally speaking, baby wipes work well for removing stains. 

  1. Hire a professional

Although you might purchase or rent a carpet cleaning machine to clean your carpets more thoroughly than a vacuum, using strong chemical detergents and high temperatures may damage your carpet’s fibers. Spot treatments during professional carpet cleaning and carpet protection are always an effective way to prevent stains, but engage a professional to maintain the carpets, ideally twice a year, to keep them fresh, lengthen their lives, and safeguard their beauty. Source: Ultra-Guard

Take these tips into consideration and make sure to follow through. You will be glad that you did and those carpet problems during summertime will be just a thing in the past. For more tips like this, be sure to check out our other blogs or you can simply give us a call!