Our Blog
Going Green: 3 Tips On Caring For Your Environment-Friendly Carpet
For several decades now, scientists and health officials have been concerned about the impact of wall-to-wall carpeting on the environment. This 1995 Building Green article sheds light on the deterioration of indoor air quality due to fumes and toxins released by...
A Case For Carpet: 3 Reasons Why Carpet Is the Ideal Commercial Flooring
In terms of commercial buildings, interior designers and architects have a burdensome responsibility on their shoulders: choosing the right type of flooring. Deciding whether to choose carpet over a hard surface seems insignificant when compared to other aspects of a...
At Your Service: What to Look For When Choosing a Professional Carpet Cleaning or Repair Company
Your carpet is an investment of your time, money and resources. It's only natural that you would want to hire the right crew or individual to help you maintain this investment from time to time. Professional carpet cleaning and repair services are abundant, both on a...
Stretch Your Dollar By Restretching Your Carpet: 3 Reasons to Restretch Rather Than Replace
Sinking a pair of feet into a plush carpet is the ultimate definition of comfort for many. Tripping over the slight wrinkles and creases that eventually form in every carpet pile after years of normal wear is nowhere near pleasant, however. If you enjoy the softness...
Commercial Carpeting: How to Choose and Care for the Right Carpet for Your Business
Carpeting was a popular choice for commercial flooring as far back as the early 20th century. Businesses prefer installing carpets or even laying down runners for a number of reasons, including increased insulation, a more aesthetically pleasing look and a decreased...
Replace VS. Repair: How to Decide If Your Carpet Needs Replacing Or Repairing
North Americans seem to be just as prone to replace carpets as they are to cover their floors with them in the first place. But can all those carpet replacements be justified? According to the Carpet and Rug Institute, 70 percent of carpet replacements are done for...