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(604) 282-6630

Your Carpet Experts

Carpet cleaning can be a fun activity and the task is so easy that there are no wrong ways to do it, right? 

Well, that’s where you may be wrong because just like most things, mistakes are bound to happen during carpet cleaning especially if you’re being too carefree about it. You need to take proper precautions in every cleaning approach to ensure you’re not putting yourself or anyone at risk. 

You can check out these common carpet cleaning mistakes so that you can avoid it when the time comes.

Common Carpet Cleaning Mistakes to Avoid

  1. Using a low-quality vacuum

When we talk about carpet cleaning, the first and most important task that comes to our mind is vacuuming. It is one of the easiest and cheapest ways to clean your carpet and eliminate embedded dirt, dust, and other allergic contaminants.

However, vacuuming can yield good results only if you utilize a high-quality vacuum cleaner. A low-quality or a faulty one can provide the exact opposite results. It may fail to trap allergens or end up damaging your carpet fibers. Hence, it is better to avoid such low-quality vacuum cleaners. Source: TNT Carpet Care

  1. Vigorously rubbing a spill

It’s never a good idea to try to rub or scrub a spill. Vigorously rubbing a spill into the carpet can damage the fibers, and often results in the stain getting pushed deeper into the base of the carpet. Scrubbing also causes unnecessary twisting and fraying of the carpet fibers, leaving long-term damage. Whenever possible, always use the blotting method to safely pull the stain out of the surface.

  1. Not acting fast enough

When a spill happens, take action as soon as possible. Waiting too long to clean up a spill may result in the liquid soaking into carpet fibers and absorbing into the padding. Cleaning spills quickly can also prevent further damage like unwanted odors or mold growth. Source: ROC Commercial Cleaning

  1. Choosing the wrong cleaning products

Not all cleaning products are suitable for all types of carpets. Using the wrong products can lead to discolouration or damage. Always check the manufacturer’s recommendations or consult a professional.

  1. Not testing cleaning solutions

Before applying any cleaning solution to the carpet, test it in an inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t cause colour fading or damage. Don’t make the mistake of testing it out in the middle of the room.

  1. Rushing the drying process

Proper drying is crucial to prevent mould and mildew growth. Ensure proper ventilation and use fans or dehumidifiers when cleaning your carpet. Source: Drytron Carpet Cleaning

So, make sure to keep these carpet cleaning methods in mind to prevent any harmful mistakes from happening. If you want, you can also hire a carpet cleaning company to achieve the task with even more safety. Just call us by dialing the number below!