Eating together with the family is probably a Christmas tradition for most of us. If you’ll be hosting this year, follow these useful tips so that you can enjoy the time with your loved ones even more:
Betsy Burhoe hangs a Christmas ornament on a tree inside her home at the U.S Coast Guard Academy in New London, Conn., Friday, Dec. 3, 2010. Betsy is the wife of Adm. J. Scott Burhoe, the superintendent of the U.S. Coast Guard Academy and decorated two of their Christmas trees for the holidays in their home, known as Quarters One. U.S. Coast Guard photograph by Petty Officer 1st Class NyxoLyno Cangemi
Image Source: Flickr
Don’t make dishes that are complicated
The temptation can be to try and pull out all the stops in the kitchen to impress friends and family.
But you are more likely to make tastier meals – and for a cheaper cost – by keeping things simple with fresh, seasonal produce, Jean-Marc said.
‘Fresh, seasonal produce is low-cost and will require minimal preparation in order to taste delicious,’ he said.
‘Be sure to opt for produce that can be re-purposed to suit different recipes, and be sure to use the appropriate section within your fridge in order to keep fresh for as long as possible.’ Source: DailyMail
Prep in advance
Do what you can the day before and take some of the stress out of the day – peel the vegetables, pre-boil your potatoes for roasting and sit them with some garlic overnight.
You can also prep the gravy the week beforehand – just have a roast chicken in the weeks leading up to Christmas and save all of that delicious juice and fat to make your gravy! All you have to do is freeze it in an airtight container and you’re ready to go. Source: GoodHousekeeping
Add your own touch to ready-bought ingredients
There’s a reason shops sell Christmas puddings and ready-made hams – so you can buy them at the last minute and then add your own touch. For example, buy individual Christmas puddings, but make a wickedly indulgent boozy custard, or grab a good-quality cooked ham, and choose an easy glaze recipe to make it special. Hide all the packaging and no one will know the difference. We even have a Christmas last-minute cheats recipe collection with lots of helpful shortcuts. Source: Taste
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